Thursday, November 22, 2007

Soy Candle Review by The Flying Spartan

One might find themselves surprised that the old Flying Spartan would be reviewing a product like soy candles. The truth is just as surprising to me as well. An old warrior like myself seldom thinks about the differences and quality of something like candles. Well, I am here to share with you my education about candles and related health issues.

I have to give credit to a wonderful and healthy living lady in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Judy gave me wonderful insights about candles and how they can impact our health. I am going to share some of the main points I learned with you today.

Before we get started, really before I forget, you can get more information by clicking here. Fresh Soy Candles - Here

Now I will tell you what I learned from my friend in Black Mountain North Carolina.

First it is not healthy to breath paraffin based candle smoke, kind of like second hand smoke.

1) Paraffin candles contain up to 11 carcinogenic compounds. These 11 compounds have been deemed 'toxic air contaminants' by the State of California. Paraffin wax candle soot particles contain many of the same compounds given off from burning diesel fuel. Excuseeeeeee me while I throw up!!! Have you ever breathed diesel smoke? Need I say more?

2) Pollutants in homes are 5 to 70 times higher than the highest outdoor levels and this can be partially due to Paraffin wax candle burning. Burning Paraffin wax candles pollute your home and your lungs along with those of your spouse and children. Also I learn a household tip from Judy as well, the soot will collect on your walls, curtains, and other belongings....not a pretty site to behold or to clean.

3) Now we know that health hazards are being created when paraffin (petroleum-based wax) is burned in a candle. Most department stores provide no other option than to buy paraffin candles, and this is simply because parriffin candles are cheaper to make. Do yourselves and your family a big favor, buy natural soy candles. And the old Flying Spartan has not only told you why this is so important, but will help you find a good source of healthy candles as well. And as always the Flying Spartan owes much gratitude to Judy for teaching us these tips.

Finally, when buying candles also check on the wicks used. This is another source of unhealthy contaminates. Use only natural wicks like cotton.

Naturally clean SOY WAX candles are 99 percent soot free, they burn to the bottom of the candle and there is no wick loss. Also, I have learned that the scent is also through out the candle and therefore does not dissipate before the candle is completely used. This is another good thing! I know the Flying Spartan hates when the sexy smell is all gone but the candle still has plenty more to burn!

My last advice to you is a safety issue. You know onboard ship fire is a great hazard. So the Flying Spartan strongly advises you to be careful with candles, never leave the house or go to sleep with candles burning. Never leave candles burning with children or pets present. Be careful, live longer...and use soy candles for better health. Using paraffin candles are just as bad as living with smokers....not a good thing!

Here is a source for fresh and clean natural soy candles, a source you can trust. I have worked out a coupon for you by clicking on the highlighted area...hey, it will save you some dough!

Fresh Soy Candles - Here

Thanks you for reading my review and if you have any comments or want another product review, please let me know. Thanks from The Flying Spartan your Good Health Coach

Fresh Soy Candles - Here

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